Bratton Fleming Baptist Church
Serving God And The Community
We meet on Sundays and during the week to pray, to worship, to have communion and to hear what the bible can teach us
Sundays 10:30am
Bratton Fleming Baptist Church, Beara Lane, Bratton Fleming, North Devon EX39 4TG

Whats On?
Living in a small rural village, being part of the community is very important to us.

All Age Worship : Sundays @ 10.30 am
Food for the Journey : Thursdays at 7.30 pm. starting with coffee and cake, designed to help and encourage each other on our life’s journey, looking at relevant subjects from the teaching of Jesus.
Men’s Breakfast : Every 2nd Saturday @ 9.00 am. A group of guys meet together for breakfast at various venues locally, plus occasional social events
Table Tennis. : Restarting Soon!
Ladies Coffee Morning. : We meet once a month at local coffee shop – Call Rosemarie on 07540077602.
Sunday Afternoon Tea followed by songs of praise and “Food for Thought” @ 4.30 pm – Every other month. Everyone welcome but for catering purposes please contact Peter on the number below if you are thinking of coming
“Blossom where you are planted, so let’s water the ground with prayer”
Apart from individual and group prayer times within the church, we gather together to pray for Bratton Fleming and the surrounding villages once a month, in conjunction with St. Peter’s Church.
Christians Together Prayer Gathering at 7:30. Dates may vary, please check for further information

Exploring Our Faith Together
Wherever we are on our life/spiritual journey it is always good to have the opportunity to listen, learn, discuss and ask questions.
The Alpha Course runs periodically on Thursdays at 7.00 pm
Food for the Journey – a post Alpha course, currently every Thursday at 7.30 pm